Sustainably harvested and nursery-grown wildflower seed

We have seed available from more than 60 species of wildflowers native to the Canadian prairies, appropriate for any prairie restoration project. Click the link above for our inventory list and pricing.

Our wildflower seed is originally sourced from native prairie in Saskatchewan and Manitoba and increased without selection to preserve genetic diversity. We limit our crops to three generations away from wild harvested seed to ensure that they are as suited as possible to harsh Canadian climates.

All seed is sold per gram, bulk pricing available on request.

We are committed to the sustainable harvest of wild seed to minimize our impact on the native prairie remnants. To read our harvest guidelines, click here.

Achillea millefolium - Yarrow
Artemisia frigida - Pasture Sage
Grindelia squarrosa - Gumweed
Helianthus maximilliani - Maximillian Sunflower
Solidago lepida - Elegant Goldenrod

Solidago missouriensis - Missouri Goldenrod
Solidago nemoralis - Old Gray Goldenrod
Solidago rigida - Stiff Goldenrod
Symphyotrichum ericoides - Many Flowered Aster
Symphyotrichum laeve - Smooth Blue Aster

list a - $1.00 / bulk gram

List b - $1.50 / bulk gram

Anemone cylindrica - Long Fruited Anemone
Drymocallis arguta - Tall Cinquefoil
Gaillardia artistata - Blanketflower
Geum triflorum - Prairie Smoke
Hedysarum alpinum - Alpine Sweetvetch

Heterotheca villosa - Hairy Golden Aster
Oenothera biennis - Common Evening Primrose
Ratibida columnifera - Prairie Coneflower
Rudbeckia hirta - Black Eyed Susan

List c - $2.00 / bulk gram

Agoseris glauca - False Dandelion
Allium stellatum - Pink Onion
Anemone canadensis - Canada Anemone
Anemone multifida - Cut Leaf Anemone
Anemone patens - Prairie Crocus
Antennaria sp. - Pussytoes
Artemisia ludoviciana - Prairie Sage
Asclepias ovalifolia - Dwarf Milkweed
Astragalus striatus - Ascending Purple Milkvetch
Dalea candida - White Prairie Clover
Fragaria virginiana - Wild Strawberry

Heuchera richardsonii - Alumroot
Liatris ligulistylis - Meadow Blazingstar
Liatris punctata - Dotted Blazingstar
Linum lewisii - Wild Blue Flax
Monarda fistulosa - Wild Bergamot
Oxytropis campestris - Early Yellow Locoweed
Penstemon gracilis - Lilac Beardtongue
Potentilla norvegica - Rough Cinquefoil
Xanthisma spinulosum - Spiny Iron Plant
Zizia aptera - Heart Leaved Alexander

List d - $2.50 / bulk gram

Agastache foeniculum - Giant Hyssop
Astragalus australis - Southern Milkvetch
Astragalus crassicarpus - Ground Plum
Campanula rotundifolia - Harebell
Carex duriuscula - Needleleaf Sedge
Cerastium arvense - Field Chickweed
Cirsium drummondii - Dwarf Thistle
Cirsium flodmanii - Flodman’s Thistle
Helianthus pauciflorus ssp. subrhomboideus - Stiff Sunflower
Lithospermum canescens - Hoary Puccoon
Oenothera suffrutescens - Scarlet Gaura
Orthocarpos luteus - Owlclover
Solidago ptarmicoides - Upland White Goldenrod